Wednesday, 21 January 2009

The 'fuck annoying' chavs

This is not some anti-chav post at all, I'm alright hanging around with some chavs and I'm no chav myself. If you think I'm a fucking chav go stick your head down the nearest loo and flush it coz' if you know me then I'm no way one. But another about that shit. This is a rant about those fuck annoying lairy cheap chavs.

These are the ones with the baggy trousers that were brought from tesco fucking 1,000,000 sizes too big but wear them like they're too small. Retarded, much? There's low and there's flying low, these guys are defiantly flying way too low.

Most of these chavs wear sports clothes, although what's ironic about that is that they've never done any sport in their entire fucking life. I mean what the fuck?!

Whats more hilarious is that they think that they look hard, but mate you really don't, it's like thinking a grandma can appear on page 3. Not going to fucking happen (unless some spaz editor gets the job, which wouldn't fucking surprise me).

Oh, and then there's the fact that they are into all this crap music, I mean alright if you want to be a complete fucked up loser fair enough, but then you play it in public, addressing that fact even if it wasn't fucking flat obvious to begin with. (See playing loud music on public transport).

So to conclude, they're retarded, many are fat, most wear sports clothes and don't play it, and listen to shitty music. Fuckasses much?

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